
WhatsApp Campaign Analytics

How to see the WhatsApp Campaign Analytics? #

To see how your WhatsApp Campaign performed or performing, go to the “Campaigns” Page of the AiSensy Platform. There you can see a list of all the WhatsApp Campaigns sent to the users. Prior to the Campaign Name, there is an Eye button. By clicking on this button you can see the analytics of the particular WhatsApp Campaign.

WhatsApp Campaign

Where can I see the status of all my WhatsApp Campaigns? #

The status of all the WhatsApp Campaigns can be seen by going to the Campaigns Page of the AiSensy Dashboard. Status simply means is the campaign Sent, Live, etc. Along with the Status, the Campaign Type- API or Broadcast, Created At, Audience size it was sent to and how many it was submitted to is also mentioned.

What all metrics one can see in the Campaign Analytics? #

Following are the metrics one can see in the Campaign Analytics-

1. Status: This shows the current status of the WhatsApp Campaign. SENT for sent campaigns, LIVE for ongoing and running, STOPPED for the campaigns which are stopped and PAUSED for which are on hold.

2. Type: This shows whether a particular campaign is a Broadcast Campaign or an API Campaign.

3. Audience Size: This shows the total number of users to whom a campaign is triggered.

4. Message Type: This shows whether the message is a Regular Message or a Template Message. A template message can be sent to both Active and Inactive Users whereas a regular message can be sent to only Active Users.

5. Sent: This shows the total number of users to whom a campaign is being sent. This number may be indifferent to the Audience Size since there is a possibility of Phone Numbers that are not on WhatsApp and are considered in the Audience Size.

6. Delivered: This shows the total number of users to whom the WhatsApp campaign is delivered. This simply means the users have received the message on their WhatsApp.

7. Read: This shows the total number of users who have seen and read the WhatsApp message.

8. Failed: This shows the total number of users to whom the WhatsApp campaign isn’t sent. It may be due to the non-availability of a WhatsApp account on that number or the user might have blocked the Official WhatsApp Business API number of the business.

Campaign Anatylics

How to stop any running campaign? #

Go to the Campaigns Page and click on the eye button of that particular campaign which you need to Stop or Pause.

WhatsApp Business API

On the top right corner, there is a button “Set Status” to change the status of the campaign. You can Stop or Pause the campaign from there. Remember, if you Stop the campaign, you won’t be able to restart the same campaign. You’ll have to create a new API Campaign from the Campaigns Page in case you want to start the campaign again.

Does one gets charged for Failed Messages also? #

No. You won’t be charged for the failed messages. Only sent messages are charged.