
WhatsApp Business API vs WhatsApp Apps

Difference between WhatsApp Business API and WhatsApp Apps? #

WhatsApp Apps (WhatsApp Business App & WhatsApp App) are for really small businesses. WhatsApp Business API is for medium, growing and large businesses that need automated processes and scalable customer support. Like one can install chatbots, have multiple agents on the same number, send automated payment reminders, delivery updates, notifications etc. & broadcast thousands of messages to users directly on WhatsApp.

How to procure WhatsApp Business API? #

Whatsapp Business API is a separate Application, Which is reviewed by Whatsapp.

Procurement of WhatsApp Business API is really easy with AiSensy.

You need to have a Facebook Business Manager ID verified and then can apply for the WhatsApp Business API. Click here and submit the form, team AiSensy will further assist you.

Can WhatsApp Business API and App be on the same phone number? #

No. Just like a phone number can not be registered on WhatsApp App and WhatsApp Business App simultaneously, similarly, a number can be either on WhatsApp Apps or the WhatsApp Business API.

How to make the transition from WhatsApp App to WhatsApp Business API and vice versa? #

Any phone number can be upgraded to WhatsApp Business API provided the number isn’t active on any of the WhatsApp Apps. So, if a number is registered on WhatsApp App and one needs to get the API on the same number, the WhatsApp Account must be deleted. There is one thing to note here: Once a number is upgraded to a WhatsApp Business API number, it can not be downgraded.

Here is How you can Delete your Whatsapp Business App before Applying for the API:

1. Open WhatsApp

2. Tap More Options (three dots) > Settings > Account > Delete My Account

3. Enter your phone number in full international format and tap DELETE MY ACCOUNT

4. Select a reason for why you’re deleting your account in the dropdown