Connect LeadSquared with AiSensy & send WhatsApp messages straight from your LeadSquared account.
You can broadcast offers to 1000s of users, automate WhatsApp notifications and solve for customer support via Live Chat / Chatbots.
LeadSquared is a cloud-based marketing automation & customer relationship management (CRM) solution for businesses of all sizes.
The AiSensy x LeadSquared Integration allows you to effortlessly handle all your WhatsApp Communications and sync the data between AiSensy & LeadSquared.
With this integration, you can:
⚡️ Broadcast offers to thousands of users;
⚡ Automate payment reminders, event updates, etc;
⚡️ Solve for Customer Support via Live Chat / Chatbots;
⚡️ Customer Data sync between AiSensy & LeadSquared;
⚡️ Track your Message Delivery rates & Analytics.
In this tutorial, we'll cover:
👉How to Connect LeadSquared with AiSensy
👉How to create & store WhatsApp Template Messages in LeadSquared
👉How to handle Live Chat (Converse) from LeadSquared.
So, let's get started!
Follow the steps below to integrate AiSensy x LeadSquared
That's it. Now, go on & connect LeadSquared with AiSensy to seamlessly manage WhatsApp Communications with your users. 😍
Trusted by 50000+ Businesses across 53+ Countries
Get Started for FREE. No Credit Card needed.
⚡️Powered by Official WhatsApp Business API